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Child Safety Standards

“As Tolky, we adopt the following standards to ensure the safety of children.

Preventing Inappropriate Content

Application content is regularly reviewed by our moderators.
All profiles in the application are periodically reviewed by our moderators. Inappropriate profiles may be temporarily suspended and may request verification that they are of legal age (adult) in accordance with the laws of the country. Profiles that do not make these verifications may be permanently suspended.
Individuals who are minors (adults) are not allowed to register or use the application. If it is determined that there is no adult user, the user account is suspended.

User Reporting Systems
All our users have a reporting system within the application where they can report inappropriate content.
Reported contents are reviewed within 24 hours and necessary actions are taken.

Compliance with International Standards
We adhere to the WeProtect Global Alliance principles to prevent child abuse.

Privacy and Data Protection
Tolky stores users’ personal information in accordance with international data protection standards such as GDPR and CCPA.
For help and support, you can contact our official e-mail address.
Contact: [email protected]